I do not have all data needed: http://www.wallaceracing.com/dynamic-cr.php
Or is the closing of IN most important?
I want max power from low rpms with the DP315, higher CR will hopefully give good power during the entire rpm range. I hoped that someone here has experience of the RC/DP315 cam or similar and compression ratio.
With the 315's longer duration than the 295 it is a nice higher RPM cam. I think it just depends on what you want, how high you want to wring these motors to and if a particular combination is optimized to take advantage of the potential airflow. That's really where the power comes from, breathing. And compression.
The dynamic compression is calculated as the ratio of total cylinder volume (piston location in the bore)
at that moment when the intake valve closes, to the compressed volume at TDC. So earlier valve closing (BDC) = more cc's to compress.
My 10.25:1 900cc flat top piston F2 motor ran OK with that cam on premium pump gas. I felt it lacked decent torque below 5000rpm but revved nicely after that. Well until the valves floated and bent each other and a call to RC ended with "That 315 cam won't work with the F2 head, the valves will hit"... No kidding.
I was able to successfully run the 315 in a fully built 970 F2 motor with RC modified head. That motor cranked 200 psi on the compression tester, of course it ran with premium gas, and on an open road it would easily pull revs past the last numbers on the tach in 5th gear, even with much taller gearing.
It ran best on ERC 110 gas though.

Slightly larger bore and much more compression made a big riding difference at low RPMs.
It took some messing around with the smoothbores but once they got close it was a real powerhouse for it's time; a no BS 150+mph bike was a bad ass hot rod back in 1979.
I also had an 836 motor with 240 lbs cranking pressure with the RC 240 reground cam, and it was run on good old premium gas too. Of course all would rattle a little under hard load depending on ambient temperature. Old school tuning says keep backing off the timing until the hard noise stops.
FYI 754 Frank had an 836cc with a 315 cam, don't remember what his CR was.