The length of that line looped over your fender looks dead nuts on.
Excellent! Did you have any trouble bleeding the left side?
This was the same setup I ran on "Phaedrus I", you're looking at Phaedrus II. So its been tried and tested. I do not recall any problems bleeding the lines, what you see hasn't been bled yet. I would bleed at each connection and I may have held the caliper up if need be, but I don't remember any problems.
Thanks on that line. Now here's the strange part. That line originally went over a stock fender on a 19" wheel. What you see is an 18" wheel with a CB350F fender, also an 18". Now that line fits so close, looks like it was made for it. So I can't remember how i got it over a 19" fender. Maybe it was stretched real tight, or I had a taller adapter.
It was so many years ago i took Phaedrus apart I just don't rememeber. And there have been many things like that in this rebuild. Strange.