I grew up with the Tintin comics. Watched the movie a month or long ago, with my 8 and 5 y/o kids.
The movie is more for teenagers. Even when there is not explicit violence, it is very fast-paced and the little kid got scared by the sound of machine-guns.
I enjoyed the movie A LOT. It is amazing how computers can make movies. I know real-life actors had worked, but only to digitalize the human movement.
Many times movies have been filmed after a comic. The cast director chooses the actor or actress that resembles more the characters, but at the end, you feel he is not him. With Tintin, during the whole movie, you feel he is him, and the same with Captain Haddock and the rest. It is just like if the comic has become alive.
After having watched movies like "Tintin" and "Tangled", I foresee a dim future for actors. You can transmit emotions with computer-generated characters, using fresh-faces for every film, with no prima-donnas attitudes, no high salaries, no whimsical attitudes. I have been deeply touched with films like Up!, or Tangled, and enjoyed Tintin a lot, just like a young Indiana Jones.
I also foresee sequels of the movie. That is hard to understand if you are not into the comic.