When was the last time you were pulled over on your bike? Tonight for me. Cop asked me why I thought he pulled me over.
I said "too loud?"
He said " what do you think the speed limit on this road is?"
I said" 40 "
He said how fast do you think you were going?"
I said "well 40 then"
He said "oh ok thats how its going to be."
I said" how fast do you think I was going"
He said "I got you on radar, does your speedo work?"
Genuinley curious because I am not sure if my speedo is correct I said "How fast did your radar think I was going"
He said "let me see your registrtion and insurance and license"
I said "yes sir"
He ran it and came back saying that based on his experience I estimated that I was going at least 15 miles per hour over the speed limit but his radar only had me at about 10 over" so I drove away with a verbal warning never having admitting to my true speed. Whew.