Thanks for sharing, I keep learning other skills on these forums, er I misspoke, book knowledge on these forums. Thanks for sharing another solution for paint removal...I'll have to share that with a buddy.
Did you guys know about using paraffin wax to remove rusty/stuck bleeder screws from aluminum calipers? Often referred to as "Gulf Wax" here in the USA (Gulf oil logo on the box) and it is often used in canning fruits to provide a preservative wax seal for jellies & jams. You boil the caliper in wax (double boiler but recommended to do it outside on the grill away from the house) for about 30 minutes and using some heavy pot holders if you want to do it while it is warm, your bleeder screw comes out without breaking off and going through the hassle of trying to extract the broken bleeder. (Naturally you boil it after stripping it down, removing seals and piston which can be done for stuck pistons with grease gun finger tight into the brake bleeder line.) Also, that wax wouldn't be a good candidate for canning use, once cooled but a waxed paper milk carton can capture the hot wax safely for reuse in this manner or other automotive applications. Wax is a good lubricant that doesn't transfer with bad results to clothing like grease does, so striker for door latches and the locking mechanism that locks/secures the door closed.
Some cautions: Be careful with hot wax as hospital trips and long recovery and extreme pain often accompanies accidents with hot wax and flesh. Keep water away from the wax also and the pan used needs dried as the boiling/steam from water in the pan of wax can cause it to splash or pop out of the pan some distance.
Terry, cool tip on the boiling water, that could be easier than power washing like Dave500 did to help strip a CB550F tank and the boiling hot water would aid drying. Throw some simple green in before the water and it would degrease the tank. A quick rinse with denatured alcohol would absorb the water remaining and not damage the petcock seals if flushed through not long afterwards with a bit of gas rinsing the tank before refilling. Ethanol isn't kind to old rubber bits on bikes not sure about new seals made from ethanol resistant fuel.
Larry, did the new system pass the perc test and be deemed adequate or did you have to part with more bikes to fill the black hole up? What was the name of that movie with Steve Martin several years ago about the house that turned into a monster money pit, but Hollywood made it appear to be a mansion in the end... It was hilarious, but probably a little too close to home to enjoy as much... $19K is a lot of money in my book.
I was going to tell you, I would have given you the $30 and some money for your time for that SL/CL, you know, what you had in it.
Congrats on the bike sales...
Got a call with a tracking number after some messages badgering someone last night and a text message this morning around 8:15 my time yielded a call around 9:30 my time.. Gave me a tracking number and it is now reading as a valid number "accepted @10:31AM which would correspond to the phone call) with a delivery somewhere by Dec 10th. Might have my stuff returned in a few days...or subterfuge has bought a couple days. Not holding my breath, as I have no trust of whom I'm referring.
Oh yeah Momo, another benefit of the white cabinets is they brighten the kitchen and the bright colors make it a cheerful place I think. I like red and white and it will look great with everything you've planned. Probably already looks good.
The new toilets can be a pain with clogs but, they have gotten far better since the low water design usage became mandatory. The power flush varieties ($$$) are very nice as they give better bowl cleaning power with a single flush. A 1.3 g flush design is worthless in my opinion if you have to flush a couple times. I know, rather rude/crude pictures of imagery possible from thinking about it. I've known some people to de-calcify (?spelling?) old toilets that were 5 gallon varieties because the cheaper new toilets don't/didn't flush and clean the bowl worth anything. New toilets feel/look cleaner and the power flush varieties have a plastic pressurized tank inside the outer tank so any sweating from water condensation is not between the wall and outer tank which can lead to mold or other cleaning issues between the wall and toilet. You have a known new quantity with the bath remodel...
Be careful with plaster walls in the bath, as back east any water getting int the walls through the plaster can lead to bad mold problems. Same is true with drywall. Don't need the health hazards/problems that can cause. A gloss paint in the bath and toilet area can help stop water penetration whereas flat or satins do far more permability. Out here the air is so dry (typically 30% or less) mold and mildew aren't as big an issue. Termites are a different story, they will find water leaks long before you do. That's why adobe was so popular here and termite treatment is pretty much contract fodder for new mortgages and house contracts. Plus you should treat regularly just to keep the suckers away.
I think I need Dave500 to come visit and help show me how to do the budget rebuild & put the CB550K back on the road...running bikes are easier to move and give better money if you have to sell (I don't plan or wish to sell my 550K, the CX500 too underwater on to recoup but it may have to go...) Great thread he had on the budget 500/550 refresh.