Terry, terry, terry,
I know you've been waiting for me to come along
You know good and well the F(ugly as you refer to it) was brought out for Honda to try to hold on to sales until the DOHC came out. The HP and performance were increased over those anemic mid year K's through those various mentioned means. I had 2 buddies with 500 Kaw triple smokers that went around picking on those mid year K's just to embarass them. They tried to pull that #$%* on my F(ugly)but both got seriously embarassed by mine after only 3rd gear and had to shut the hell up afterwards. The F2/F3 was hoped to be another improvement that just didn't cut the mustard vs the 900Z's. Closer but no cigar. Too bad it took Honda so long to bring out the DOHC lineup.
Ha ha, I bought a shiny new F0 ("Farking 'Orrible") in 1978 Jerry, the Honda dealership couldn't sell them because no-one wanted one (including me, but the F2 was 300 bucks dearer, so I took what I could get) and they had several of these red-headed stepsons sitting in crates in their warehouse for several years.
It was the fetching "Chicken Yellow" color, and as much as I wanted to love it, I couldn't. It was slab sided, top heavy, handled like a pig and that bulbous muffler would touch down every time I tried to lean to the right, so I tried to plan my routes so that most of the corners I went around were lefts. On the one occasion that I forgot about this handicap, while chasing my mate Peter on his old Suzuki 500 Cobra thru a set of "S" bends, that useless fcuking muffler dug in and threw me down the road! Wonderful...........
And don't get me going about the useless brakes, the front single pot caliper was weak, and the rear dual opposed piston caliper, with twice the braking power of the front brake would lock with the slightest pressure, once again, throwing the unwary rider down the road again. what a POS!
So, the "F-ugly" was a slab sided, top heavy, poor handling, dangerous POS. But was it faster than the K's? No. In my experience, it wasn't any faster, and Peter and his brother Davey had no problems keeping up on their K2's. I did have a drag race against a Kawasaki Z1, but it kicked my arse too. I'm glad that you beat those Kawasaki 500 pilots though mate, I'd be surprised if you didn't with a 50% capacity advantage? Cheers, Terry.