Anyone know of a previous post or willing to assist me with any suggestions on how to get the carb's back on the bike and hooked up to the air chamber? Starting to feel like a chicken or the egg deal to me. Currently the intake manilfolds with carb insulators are attached to the head. The carbs are on the bench next to the air chamber and the air cleaner case is in the frame loose and not bolted.
Here's what I've tried: Putting the carb's back onto the manifold first, then there's not enough space to slide the air chamber back into place. Then, I tried putting the air chamber in first and there's not enough room to slide the carb's between the manifold insulators and the air chamber boots.
Beginning to wonder if I shouldn't work from the back of the bike forward as its about the only thing I haven't tried. This would be, remove the carb insulators from the intake manifolds and put them on the carb's. Then hook the carbs to the air chamber and try to slide this "assembly" into place. Have a funny feeling though that this will end up the same many things trying to occupy the same the same time.
Am I overlooking something here? Any help here guys would be greatly appreciated!