Awhile ago I got an F2/F3 motor and a couple of extra heads. One of the extra heads came with cam blocks and a cam, this head is also an F2/F3 head. The cam in the complete motor and the cam in the extra head are different and I am trying to figure out what I have.
Below show the intake and exhaust lift for each of the cams. There are also some markings on the cams which mean nothing to me, so I would like some help to identify what I have. After where I have labled Cam 1 Or Cam 2 are the cam markings.
I just would like to know what types of cams these are F2/F3 cam or K cam what? Measurements were taken using a dial indicator and not a micrometer. So actual lift is measured not calculated. I also don't have a clue on the dwell.
Any help is appreciated.
Cam 1 R7 or R1 5 - A
Intake Exhaust
0.318 0.303
Cam 2 R8 F - L
Intake Exhaust
0.300 0.286