Wow, this is an old thread - I posted this originally back in early June, just 2 weeks after I picked the bike up from the $112 EBay purchase.
I did the 836 Wiseco big-bore, Mega cam, titanium tetainers, dual performance valve springs, brass inserts, Barnette clutch, NOS clutch plates and fibers, Kerker 4/1, Stage II porting, oil cooler, Dyna 2000 and coils, K&N's jetted perfectly, and I really like it.
I screwed-up in 1 area - Big time. I "cheaped-out" on the Carillo rods. This stock geared K4 starts pulling the front tire off the ground at around 7,500~8,000 rpm. I installed the Barnetts and the Dyna 2000 with a rev limiter because the motor ripped through the stock cluth and 10,000 rpm without them. If I could stay in the throttle, it would really snort, but because I cheaped-out - I'm handcuffed to a 8,500 rpm limit "just where she starts making real power". I will add Carillos and chromemoly studs one of these days.
I've got an old H2B 750 and a ZRX that will eat the Honda for breakfast head-to-head, but neither will do it at 2,800 rpm or in 1970's style. I like the low and mid range this combination yields. I'm 240 and can loaf around at 2,500 and still pull out of corners without a hickup. I can also nail it to the limiter and smile wide - it's a fun combination.
I had the leaks also. Here is the 2nd time around at replacing those darn rubber cam tower sealers and new cover gasket.