I previously posted a story about getting good results on the carbs slides by using a vernier calipers when the carbs are off of the bike.
Today I found out the reason it is still needed to sync them.
After you set all of the slides with a calipers to get all of the slides to match #2 carb slide when it is bottomed out, by measuring the top edge of the slide to the top edge of the carb casting, look into the carb openings on the air filter side and you will see that when the carb slides on #3 and #4 are all the way to the top that the #2 and #1 carb is 1/8 inch from the top!
The reason for this is the way the linkages between the carbs are put together.
So since #2 carb is the one that cannot be adjusted, and #1 carb already matches #2 within .001 thousandths. all you have to do is adjust carbs #3 and #4. to match.
You will end up dropping those two slides down to match #1 and #2.
When I sync'd the carbs with the dial gauges that is exactly the way it went. #3 and#4 were way off and almost the same amount off.