How bad is your tank? How old is it? Is it close to being rusted through? My tank is a '78 and not too bad. I took out the petcock and plugged the hole with a rubber stopper. Dumped 2 bottles of Pine Sol in, filled with water (5 gallon tank). Soaked for 24 hours. I was amazed at how it cleaned out the grunge that was in there. Washed it out with a garden hose and then filled with 5 gallons of white vinegar (total cost $5). I let this sit for a week. It will eat through the rust on the inside, but it also attacks metal, so you need to watch it if your tank is thin (maybe try something else). Dump this and again, clean with fairly high pressure water and air. Be sure to get all the rust out. You should see clean metal inside. Now fill the tank with clean water and dump in a box of baking soda. It is a base and will neutralize the acid. Clean this out, flush out with water, spray air around inside then dump in a pint of 2 cycle oil and swirl it around to coat the inside and prevent flash rusting. Then fill it with fresh fuel right away. Sounds like a lot to do, but it just takes some time. This worked for me. The pro shops generally use the electrolysis method, and it may work the best. But I just didn't have the equipment needed to try that.