So after getting my bike in tip top shape, of course a new problem emerges. There is a clunk sound, not too big of a sound, but noticeable coming from what I think is the transmission when the bike is in neutral and I am coasting... or if it's up on the centre stand and I spin the back wheel. It's not the final chain, as it's adjusted and well maintained. When I put my hand on the shifter shaft, I can 'feel' the clunk.
It sounds like something 'lifting' up and then dropping into place. It doesn't seem to do it when I spin the wheel backwards. Nor does it seem to do it when the bike is in gear and the clutch is pulled in. I will try to record the sound and upload it.
I checked engine oil, and it's fine. I thought I heard it earlier in the day, then it seemed to 'go away'. but now it's back.