Author Topic: cb350 all bang and no tickle  (Read 1144 times)

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Offline 78whiteorbs

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cb350 all bang and no tickle
« on: July 03, 2012, 02:45:41 PM »
Recently replaced gaskets in my 72 cb350 . Buttoned here back up and reinstalled engine and reset valve clearance and set the timing with statically with a test light as per the manual . Cranked easily and ran great.  Many many times i the shop . Idle was nice and smooth and all seemed well. Took her on a few shake down runs around the block and just as smooth as butter, like a new bike even. I was impressed!  Went to go for a longer ride and got about 10 miles and coming up a hill she seemed as if running out of gas AND DIED. Pulled over plenty of gas... checked gas flow from the tank and no blockage. Kicked and kicked and got some really loud backfires... checked for spark and both had nice spark.,.,, removed filters and sprayed some carb cleaner and she wouldnt even sputter .   So I am thinking the timing somehow is way off,    any thougts as to a course of action?

She ran so smooth and nice and even and its just weird.  My best guess is that it jumped tiiming somehow . Any input much appreciated fellas~

Offline bluesmoke69

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Re: cb350 all bang and no tickle
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2012, 07:38:17 PM »
Check to make sure points cover and make sure everything is tight and to specs. Just like a tune up. Good luck hope it something simple.

Offline 78whiteorbs

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Re: cb350 all bang and no tickle
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2012, 08:01:42 PM »
Thanks it was!

The lesson here , when reassembling a high revving engine use locktite liberally. Turns out the bolt on the end of where the points plate andtiming  advance mechbacked out and timing was all screwy. I re-speced everything and bada bing!