So I'm at the HFT store a city over this evening getting my o-rings and stuff.
Get up to check out and have my print outs for discounts and the guy asks if I have the 20% off coupon.
" No, I don't, didn't print that one, am I screwed ?"
" No. "
So the ringing up goes on, says he wants the coupons first,
rings away, and then dip**** asks me a second time if I have the 20% off coupon.
I'm like NO.
I shove the pile of printouts at him so he can look since he doesn't believe me. Jack*//.
So I'm like well you have one ?
"Yes, it's just that I have to ring that first before these others."
Well can you do that ? Do I need to have the coupon ?
" No, I've got one here."
So, we dig through everything scooping up the discounted items so dip**** can do his checkout girl functions correctly...
Man, I'm telling you. It's like they want you to slap them so they can sue or something.