Good on ya Mick, and I won't care if you've got a ticket or not, I'll just be happy to be dry again. How extreme are your employers work health and safety rules? I think I remember you talking about an audit you had last year? If whoever you work for are keen for you to have a license then they should pay for your training, it's only a 2 day course, the company I used to work for paid for my license renewal and paid for my guys training whenever I hired anyone who didn't have a license, I think it came under their "Duty of Care" obligation? Anyway, you'll be OK, do a bit of research to get you up to date, and you'll be good to go. 
There'll be no out of pocket expenses for me mate for the FL Ticket which will be covered.
We get audited every 12 months for our Environment, Safety and Quality Management Systems to keep our accreditation up to speed.
The goal is to get our Federal Accreditation but we've gotta jump through flaming hoops of fire to achieve that.
It's a challenge and we'll get there eventually.
One of the biggest hurdles is to keep everybody who is employed here on the same plateau and that has been a downfall over the years due to various reasons.
So, I've been given the task of raising the bar and keeping the level maintained which will keep us heading in the right direction so that we can achieve our goal.
A bit of diplomacy and communicating goes a long way with the fellas and gets them on side so that everybody works together and keeps the required standards up where they should be.
At the end of the day, the non compliers are beginning to realise that I might be a good bloke to have a beer with, but I'm a kunt to work for if ya don't tow the fcuking line.
That pisses 'em off.