I have recently decided to get rid of my old rats nest of rusty wiring and replace everything. I purchased a new Rick’s rec/reg combo unit (10-100) to replace both the stock units. The problem is that the wires are not color coded to the engine and now I have no idea which wires go where. Rick’s site offers almost no help in this matter.
Coming from the engine I have 3 – yellow, 1 – white, 1 – green, 1 – white/red, 1 – blue/red, and a large gauge black wire that I believe goes to the starter.
The Rick’s rec/reg combo has 8 wires coming from it. 3 – yellow, 1 – green, and 1 – red all in one sleeve. And then 1 – white, 1 – black, and 1 – green all on their own.
Does anyone have experience with these units, or know how these wires should be connected?
Any help or diagram would be very helpful seeing as how I have found myself stuck.