Getting down and dirty with the front master cylinder on the cb750 k2 restoration, and a nice new kit is in order, BUT, I have a set of circlip pliers made by draper, they have FOUR different heads on,(not all at once though!) So, I thinks to meself, ONE should fit this "hideously hiding at hard to get bas*** of a thing?" yeh? NO, not at hoo AGAIN!
So, does anybody have a quick fix at this circlip WITHOUT having to buy "Hondas special tool"
I even filed one of the heads that come with the draper set, but to no avail, its infuriatingly just a proverbial "midges too small" Boy that circlip is a long way down, wonder what hondas problem was?
were they embarressed by it and trying to hide it? cos they did a great job.
What circlip pliers can be bought and adapted?
anyone know please?