I found this bike with a seized motor on CL for $300, it had all it's parts (in a box) and hadn't been run in 7 years. I was considering running bikes for $700-1300 and thought this would be a good way to get in without getting hurt. I've had a handful of bikes but am mainly a car guy.
Spent the first few days taking the tank, seat and clutch cover off, degreasing the frame and inspecting the clutch pak. Ordered the bottom-end gasket kit and some oil filters too. I decided the clutch pak was not the cause of the binding so I began the fluid soak/rocking procedure. Started with Seafoam on Saturday. On Sunday I switched to ATF/Acetone and then removed the alt cover and tried to turn the 14mm nut. It would move about a 1/4 of the way and then stop.
I added more of the mixture and did some rocking after work today. Managed to pull a muscle in the process. Put it on the center stand and before going in for the evening tried a turn on the 14mm bolt. Just like that, it broke free with little effort, on day 8 of ownership. I put rags over the plug holes eliminating me from the fluid shooting olympics. Stoked like I haven't been in a long time.
More work to come, carb refresh, clutch kit, new cables and so on not yet ordered. Por-15 gas tank refurb kit should be here by mid/late week. Need a battery and then maybe I'll try to fire it up. Started as cafe project but I like the stock look so maybe a bit of both.
Experiencing the thrill of victory, waiting for the agony of defeat. Having fun, wife says I should do this more often.
More to come...