it was taped. 3m pin striping tape and regular blue body was all laid down by hand no drawing it out first. the bubbles on the right side where done with cardboard the thickness of a business card same as the blue stripe the rest was taped the bubbles he used the cardboard to out line it the did the rest by hand .it was all done with a binks air brush. he adjusted his air flow on different parts of the tank. there is a spot on the wings he has to touch up. and a few other small places.but this is the finished product. it' gets 5 or more coats of clear.then he starts on the fender this weekend the frame gets torn down and gets painted orange crush pearl every thing gets sent off to be chrome plated. front invader rim,sissy bar,santee electrical box,and the springer front end.the rest I'll buy maybe from cyclex like valve,clutch,stator,and points covers ect ect unless my friend can chrome plate those too.after this is complete my life's work will be done.ever since i was a little boy there are things i wanted when i grew up a lowrider with hydraulics, and a chopper.well i have accomplished both of those and then some.i want to thank you guys again for the compliments on my sons work.he was very excited about that. and he thanks you too.the compliments and positive feedback has him wanting to do this on the side for extra cash.if any body needs some painting done feel free to ask he is getting a web site set up pretty soon.the tank alone has taken him about a week to do,but that was because of the different colors involved. I'm getting ready to have a cb750 tank side covers and headlight bucket done to put in the for sell section.i really want the boy to further his talent. he actually has been painting and fiber glassing stuff since he was 15 he is 23 now. but he has never done anything of this caliber until now. thanks again