I got a silver flip-up full face. I got it online which some will say is just about as bad as being hitler but you do waht you can with the funds you have.
It fits pretty good and while pretty snug on the sides, is a bit loose up top but I cant twist it sideways or pull it off once it is on and strapped.
Another point to buying how I did is that a helmet,even one not a complete fit but close, is still better than no lid.
Silver is nice iin both daylight AND night as I shine all the time if there is any light!
I got a riding jacket as well that is nice to have. Again an online thing cause of money constraint. It is somewhat tight in the chest but loose in the lower back which does bubble a little but that is not really a big deal.
I wear whatever shoes I have. I dont believe boots are gods-like as I have seen accidents caused just as often by boots as shoes. As long as the shoe is sturdy, then it is good. Comfort is just as important as protection. If you are not comfortable, they you will mess around and could even cause your own accident. No sandals or flip-flops, I wont even give someone a ride if they are wearing those.
I generally wear a comfortable hiking shoe.