Right off hand I don't know of any method to fix it that won't leave some obvious tracks. If it wasn't right beyond the apex of bends, no problem. As it is there's no way I can see to drive anything down the pipe because of the curve. Something on a strong flexible shaft, maybe?
One way is to weld studs to various places on dent, starting at deepest, heat pipe red and pull studs to pull dent. Going progressively and manipulating the metal you may be able to get it looking much better or at least more functional. Problem is cutting and grinding the studs off afterwards and the damage that will do, plus discoloration.
Possible to cut pipe as mentioned above, straighten or replace dented section, reweld. Me, I'd try to force a mandrel of some sort down the pipe to press dent out from inside. How, and what to use as a mandrel and flexible driving shaft, I don't really know....
May be easiest and cheapest to just search out some rusted up bike pipe, cut and weld in a good section?