prov431, Are you running 2 threads for the same bike with the same problem or related problem because you didn't understand what guys were telling you? Just say so , it can be made simple, there's pics on your other thread.
Air screw issue- clear it up , go with Honda specs, turn them all the way in and back them out 1 and 1/4 turn.All 4 of them.
I see your plugs from other thread's pics- the range is all over like puppy crap, You need to sync the carbs. That can't be only an ignition problem, It's more of an air/fuel mix problem and each cylinder tells a different story about how even the mix is burning in each cylinder, but when all 4 stories come together the problem becomes apparent , since they are all different , they need to be made the same, you must sync those carbs and adjust the air screws. You can't guess on this one or fudge it somehow, it needs vacuum gauges and needs to be set correctly.
If you don't do one other thing to this machine , at least sync the carbs or have them done if you can't. Then get back to us.
Okay now we find out about the air delivery and that the carbs may have been jetted for just the pipe and not the pipe and air intake.
There is tons of information reguarding jet sizing for these machines with other than stock intake and exhaust. You need to read it, understand it, and be sure the appropriate jets are in those carbs for the application, then get it sync'd