I have an early-'90s Cobia Spirit 1950 here with the Mercruiser Alpha1 3.0L L4 130hp inboard engine. Has the digital ignition but won't spark. I've run the diagnostic tests already and narrowed it down to the spark amplifier or a wiring issue. Anyone know what terminals should be hot on the input connector for the spark amplifier? I know that the coil end should have two hot terminals and mine only has one putting out 10V. However, the input for the amplifier also only has one hot terminal putting out 10V as well while the other is putting out .38V?? This makes me think that it's not the amplifier at fault but a wiring harness issue. Would that be a fair assessment? Or is there something I'm overlooking? All the fuses are good under the helm, the key switch is working, all the wiring LOOKS ok, juice is flowing fine everywhere else, just no spark! Trying to fix this thing cheaply so any help would be appreciated, thanks!