Well, I can tell you that it was done at me and I was even referred to, by him, as a PO. Check out some of the battery debates. he has done it to others as well. It has been awhile since we had a run in, but I usually just avoid it since it serves no purpose and does not make the forum look better.
Really the only problem I have is that he gets long winded on his posts. If something wont work, thats fine. If you want to give a reason why, thats fine too, but the whole electrical theory does not need to be stated as most people dont really care about the exact reasons and everything under the sun. If they do want to know, then they can ask.
This is the first time I have said anything about it and I probably wont say it again as it is my opinion. I can just choose to gloss over what he types and get the basic info as that is all I need. but then, I dont have electrical issues and aside from using my manual to know what the electrical measurements need to be, I rarely need any help.
My main issues are knowing what parts will swap as I do not have a fleet of 750s like some people here do, nor have I owned 10 others in my time or something like that. And sometimes questions on engine work and I will have some of those when the day comes I do an 836 conversion. For those though, our experts are Mike and hondaman.
I have no beef with TT, I just see the page differently than he does. But then, I dont like airplanes either!

Maybe it is not the plane, maybe it is because I have to rely on some crackpot airline pilot!

P.S. My other post was initially in jest to your response, I just added the rest in case someone jumped on me

But EVERYONE beats their own drum!

Some backfire more than beat though!