Ask him about "goat's head" weeds... Little spiked monsters that pierce your footwear and if stepped on barefooted will make you bleed and limp for days.
The Buffalo grass is like the south's is a scourge for the desert SW where I lived... Not that it is anywhere near as tough to kill but it is prevalent and takes over things choking the life out of native plants in that area. Plus, it is harder to see snakes when they are in if their camo doesn't work well enough already.
"The Goathead is an Flowering Annual.[/size]Many pinnately compound leaflets per leaf. Small yellow flowers with five petals. The seeds are very trecherous, and cause the barefoot gardener a great deal of agony. The shoed gardener can't escape the tribulation either, for these spikey burrs stick in bunches to your shoes, and you can walk on them for miles without destroying the seeds. Then they fall off of your shoes when you take them off in your house providing fun for the whole family. This irritating seed is also famous for popping bike tires. In some places it is known as the Caltrop, which is a four-spiked weapon, placed on the ground to stop people, and wheeled vehicles.=================================== Medicial: Purported to increase hormone levels and libido. ===================================Kingdom: Plantae Division: Magnoliophyta Class: Magnoliopsida Order: Zygophyllales Family: Zygophyllaceae Genus: Tribulus Species: T. terrestris Binomial nameTribulus terrestrisThis pest causes problems by:Wounding Gardeners. It attacks the gardeners foot. It is one of the worst weeds that I encounter. These irritate for years, as some of them that I pull out of my feet are years old.How to get rid of it:Get some gloves and pull them up as soon as you identify them. Their taproot is easy to rip out.