Author Topic: 73cb500 help on igniton  (Read 410 times)

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Offline 73cb500

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73cb500 help on igniton
« on: July 01, 2013, 02:14:10 PM »
ive finally got my 73 cb500 back to life ive owned it for awhile an never even got to ride it till now things ive done rebuilt carbs, new fuel line, changed oil (20 50), new ngk plugs stock,new clutch cable,new throttle cables, cleaned out gas tank of rust, checked valves,checked timing chain, now when it comes to the ignition I haven't done anything 2-3 plugs seem to be black an wet, bike runs great but does have a slight flat spot until higher rpms 1 and 4 pipes are golden 2 and 3 are blue ( this could have been from where I forced it to stay running the first time I ever fired it off with horribly dirty carbs?? ive finally rode it 11 miles just don't want to get broke down and want to make sure everything is charging and the ignition is correct I have not yet sync the carbs only done a bynch set with a drill bit and got them close

Offline InTheStreet

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Re: 73cb500 help on igniton
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2013, 02:32:29 PM »
Setting point gap is easy to do; definitely easier than valve lash adjustment.  It sounds like you have a manual.  If you have points, set the gap and file them with an emery board.  Putting off doing this was one of the silliest things I've done since I've owned my 550.

Charging and ignition aren't really all that related.  I saw a break down of how many amps the charging system puts out at given RPM's on here somewhere, and I'm sure you could find out how they tested it all if you looked around. Personally, since I'm mostly stock electronically (or better, as I have LED's to reduce load), I figure as long as I have 12 volts at the battery terminals after a decent length ride, I am charging well enough.

The black plugs on 2 and 3 and the blue pipes seem to indicate two different types of problems.  I would suspect the pipes are blue from some other time.  Focus on the plugs. 

Posting pics of the plugs would probably be helpful if you're looking for help diagnosing why.  My thought would be weak spark (which gapping the points may help/fix), but it could be oil fouling from your description, too. 
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Offline Kenzo1979

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Re: 73cb500 help on igniton
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2013, 02:37:13 PM »
Do you have a question about setting the timing?  Otherwise it seems like you answered your own question.  2 and 3 are running rich.  Set your mixture screws.  Adjust your points gaps.  Set the timing.  You can get a timing gun from harbor freight cheap, or make the cheapo test lamp.  Follow the manual.  After Ignition timing is set, run the bike.  After you get it up to running temp, sync the carbs (you really gotta have the gauges for this part).  Hope this helps.  You're really close, but those plugs get fouled and you're down 2 cyl's.
** 71 CB500, 74 CB550, 76 CB400F, 77 CJ360t **