Got a chance to look at this bike a little more. Don't know much history on this little guy. My son is the 3rd owner I think. He ran across it at a friend of a friends garage 4 years ago and wasn't able to get back and pick it up until a few weeks ago.
The good: The bike is original and all there the best I can tell and engine is free and turns over easy. Oil looks clean. Side cover plastic in good shape no cracks or broke tabs. The black paint is faded but fenders and tank are ok. Wiring untouched not butchered. Air cleaner all there. Tires are fairly new. Front is flat needs tube I think. Tank side panels in fair shape. Chrome has light surface rust but should clean up with old fashion elbow grease.
The not so good: Inside of tank needs attention and cleaning out. The Works toilet bowl cleaner will take care of that. Been sitting for at least 4 years so throttle is stuck Im sure the single carb is gummed up. My son says he has heard it run
The seat foam is hard and has rip across seat. At first glance 302 pipes look ok but bottoms are rotted out. Plan is just to clean out tank, clean carb, change oil, get new battery and I think she'll fire up and run.
I originally thought this was a 70 model but it could be a 1969 I think
Anybody knows