Sweet! That works great. We can meet you Saturday evening or Sunday sometime, the 29th or 30th of March . I pulled the bike out of storage yesterday where it's sat since last years ride. The battery was still miraculously charged but she wouldn't start. Did the valves, no love, timing, trying to start but nope, redid both, still nothing. My newest lil shop grom suggested this morning that his yz80 will only start when given wide open throttle. I gave it a shot and, lo and behold, she started. Ran super rough though. Warmed it up and took it around the block and it was barely running. Cylinders 2 and 3 were only getting partial combustion. Popping all over the place so running super lean. I figured either the jets were gummed up from sitting or I was losing compression due to the dreaded 750f valve guide issue. As a hypochondriac, my money was on valvetrain. I finally decided to pull the carbs. As I was removing the tank I noted that it was feeling awfully light. Opening the drain plugs had confirmed fuel in carbs 1 and 4 earlier so I KNEW it couldn't be out of gas. I thought "What the heck. It can't hurt to throw some gas in there just in case." Added gas and she came back to life a hundred percent. I have no idea how many times I've been through this process w/o learning my lesson. I've even suggested it to multiple forum members when confronted w/ ghost issues. Oh well, needed a tune-up anyways. Can't wait to get on the road!