Ever since the middle of May, I have been regularly checking/comparing my mileage, and this is what I figured...
65mph @4,000 rpm = 47.5 - 50mpg
stock gearing, occasional rowdiness (gotta get the ton in on the long straight away country road), totally tweeked exhaust (probably rather restrictive - for details on this, see my bike)
http://www.sohc4.us/forums/index.php?topic=10783.0I'm pretty happy with the mileage. When I was taking the interstate to and from work everyday, I was getting only 35-37 mpg, and I know it is only between of my heavy throttle hand. Something about keeping up with the 80mph traffic just reaches out and grabs yah...
Anyhoo, all this is with my 1976 cb750k
-Chris Gerber