Hey there, I've been reading the forums a lot and it's all been very helpful so I just wanted to say that in advance. Well, I just bought a 1979 cb650 and its was in pretty bad shape when I bought it(i.e cut wiring harness cables, no ignition slot, bent up handlebars, dirt and grime beyond imagine) and although I've been able to sort everything else out on my own, with the help of these forums of course, I can't seem to find what amp fuses to put into the fuse box

it seems like everyone else knows but me. I'll try and post before and post pictures of my project when I figure out how to get pictures off my phone onto my laptop. Thanks!
btw this is my first bike and first project bike and although everyone think I biting off more than I can chew, I plan on getting this thing running. I know I can do it, I will do it, and I've got the resources to do it.