Thanks for the comments, guys, and for the sympathy for the foot. I'll try to answer your questions all at once.
Stev-o, you must have missed the part where I mentioned a "sectioned" caliper, which means I cut it apart - actually a couple of years ago, now. The bleeder screw was frozen solid and nothing I (or the guys down at the shop) did could free it. The shop crew offered to mill it out for me. but I decided (the caliper being from a "Box-O-Bolts auction on ebay - $25 for a box of parts) I'd just as well see how it ticks and so I hit the band saw. After all, my motto is: "If You Have Access To A Band Saw - Use It!"
As for the foot... Let's just say it involved a rock, a fire, and possibly just a smidge too much "Jackie Dee" and leave it at that...
Here's the original raw footage, so to speak:

I processed the scans and created the artwork in Photoshop, then exported them into Adobe's "Image Ready" to create the animation and .MOV files, then converted that to .GIF in AVS Video Converter. The rather poor video in the GIF is due to its limit of 256 colors. Here's a better version on Youtube:
CB CaliperAnd theres a link at the bottom of this post you can use to save a version for your very own, if you're so inclined...
I thought about rotating the disc and showing the return spring... maybe I'll get to that in another version. I'm actually working on an essay covering the brakes; this is just kind of a test to see how the process works. Next up will be the Master Cylinder.
Now, where
is that band saw?