This bike may have been loved at one time but somewhere along the way it fell into the hands of a very sadistic abuser. The tank regretfully is not a wrinkle tank, the hump is very smooth on the inside. Short of hitting the lottery or some unknown uncle leaving me a secret stash of wrinkle tanks in his will I'm going to try to find a tank with good paint (ruby red) and just salvage what I can from this one. The engine is seized and I already know that the crank is bent from my initial inspections. I've always wanted to do a complete rebuild and crack these cases just to say that I've done it so I guess I got my wish. My game plan is to pull the engine this weekend and put it in my basement workshop over the winter for the build. Strip the frame and send it out to the powdercoaters and talk to Hondaman about his swingarm rebuild service and some of the electrical parts he has available. And hopefully in the spring start to assemble parts. So a tank, air box (mine is cracked), COMPLETE front end (mine is totally missing) so handlebars, controls, cables, gauges, triple tree, etc. you get the picture. I know from previous experience building cars, boats, planes, etc. that the smart move is to just save my money and buy something that is nice and pretty and turnkey and save myself a lot of frustration. Thankfully I've never been accused of being smart so I'm going to forge ahead on my first stock rebuild and hope I do half as well as some of the other members here have done. Pictures of my attempts soon to follow.