Author Topic: How long until...  (Read 3994 times)

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Offline BeSeeingYou

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Re: How long until...
« Reply #50 on: November 29, 2013, 10:33:27 pm »
Now that we have national "health care (insurance)" that can collect and monitor every individual's medical history into a federal database, how long until everyone's DNA sample is also collected by the Federal government computers at birth?

I am sure it will happen eventually but I doubt it will have anything to do with health care.  All the hysteria about "socialized medicine" aside it isn't sufficiently frightening like Muslims, Sharia law, terrorists, things exploding, crashing airliners, etc.  It took those kind of things for the country to be frightened enough for the national security bureaucracy to enact the Patriot Act and look what it has evolved into.  It just gets more intrusive under each succeeding administration due to technology, ideology has little to do with it. Who knows what powers Hillary will have in 2016. ;)

Sometime in the future something will happen that will frighten the country enough so the national security bureaucracy can push something like DNA collection through.  What that is and when, who knows, but you know they won't let a crisis go to waste.

We need more people on the inside like Edward Snowden to expose their secrets.  A true American Hero.

Offline calj737

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Re: How long until...
« Reply #51 on: November 30, 2013, 05:59:32 am »
Regarding Edward Snowden; It does little good to expose "their dirty little secrets" if nothing happens as a result of it. The problem with the current administration, is that they believe they are above and outside the law. Eric Holder ought to be in prison for Treason along with his boss. The NSA, the FBI, the IRS, round them all up and put them under the jail.

Ineptitude, contempt for the Constitution and disdain for the People that elected them. They appear to believe you and I are their Subjects and their dominion over us is unending. The Patriot Act has been the most egregious affront to Constitutional Liberties and needs to be repealed!

I'm just saying.... And before someone ask or asserts; No, I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I'm a practical man who has seen much in my life and know the extents and capabilities of our technology. And don't be naive to think it won't be used wrongly in our future.
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Offline TwoTired

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Re: How long until...
« Reply #52 on: November 30, 2013, 01:38:40 pm »
I am sure it will happen eventually but I doubt it will have anything to do with health care. 
I agree with you on that.  The health care bill was just a convenient vehicle to get the "forced registration of all citizens" ball rolling (or forwarded).  To be sure, the next popular bill to become law will get some amendment to it which allows more intrusion into the rights and privacy of the individual, and will be lauded as "good for the people", which actually means "the people who are in power".

It just gets more intrusive under each succeeding administration due to technology, ideology has little to do with it.
I agree with the first part.  But, dissagree about the ideology aspect.  Ideology was codified in the bill of rights, and current ideology of the dominant powers (backed by billionaire Micheal Bloomberg's media empire) is repugnant to it, despite each and every sworn law maker swearing to uphold it in their oath of office.  These people are unprosecuted traitors that received majority vote.

Sometime in the future something will happen that will frighten the country enough so the national security bureaucracy can push something like DNA collection through.  What that is and when, who knows, but you know they won't let a crisis go to waste.
Yes, that is the way of perverted government.  Must capitalize on every tragedy to forward their agenda.  This tactic has been used for years by human behavior specialists.  The headlines make the tragedy prominent to outrage the populace, and any agenda can be "hidden in background" to receive little attention.   Magicians have entertained for decades using misdirection, leaving the audience befuddled as to how that happened.

We need more people on the inside like Edward Snowden to expose their secrets. 

The sad fact is that the citizenship is allowing the elimination of individual rights to happen, through indifference, ignorance, inattention, and sloth, even though the agendas aren't really secret.  The key to future behavior is not campaign promises, but a historical pattern of voting record and behavior.  Voting records are available for all to scrutinize.  But, how many people do you know that bother to reference that data before making a voter selection?

 The key to gaining and remaining a governmental power is to keep the people fat, dumb, and happy.  This translates to plenty of food, limited to no education (or miseducation),  and entertainment with trivial matters to occupy them and draw attention away from issues that really matter to the future well being of individuals, rather than a cowed population of handout recipients.
Isn't it widely accepted that the US populace is obese?
How many parents monitor what their child is taught in schools?  How many parents even attempt to keep up with what government is doing?
2008 Superbowl viewers.  97.5 million
2008 Presidential election debate viewers.  52.4 million
2008 Presidential election day coverage viewers 67 million
2008 election votes collected 124 Million.  (61% of the registered voter population).    Total population of US is about 300 million, of which 207M are eligible are eligible to vote.

Has anyone else noticed the transition between news reporting and the current news "shows" that now dominate event knowledge for the general public?

As to conspiracy, there is a reason why the word exists in vocabulary.
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