So I've been having trouble setting my static timing. TT and others recommended I shim my points plate to get rid of any slop between it and the mounting posts, so I did, and it helped. At least now the timing doesn't change after I run the motor. But, I still don't have enough room to get 1.4 dialed in right. It's almost there, but not quite. It does run better than before, but it's still a little rough. Would it be a bad idea to lengthen the adjustment slots on the plate?
Also, sometimes the idle likes to climb up to about 3k and stay. If I blip the throttle it'll usually fall back down. What would cause it to climb? Then sometimes it hesitates or even dies if I blip the throttle when it's idling around 1600 rpms. For the most part it idles pretty well, but I've played with the idle screw so much over the last few months I'm wondering if it's way out of adjustment. Is there a general place to start at, for instance a full turn out from all the way in? Or something of the sort.
Thanks guys.