Author Topic: CB750F2 Clutch totally jacked vs. Stalling under load Problem  (Read 734 times)

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Offline 78whiteorbs

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CB750F2 Clutch totally jacked vs. Stalling under load Problem
« on: November 23, 2013, 03:25:10 PM »
Been working on this bike for about 2 monthes, came to me not running so no idea what I was working with . Typically I always get em running first and then make the lumps pretty but was told all was in order.

Now fast forward to today. Bike cranks and runs great , revs nice minus a final carb sync. Got the most all the systems sorted and it was time for a test ride.
Pulled the clutch in and shifted into first and it just wasn't wanting to go into gear. Well, should I say it would go into gear but the clutch wasn't wanting to engage or disengage( always get these two backwards but basically it would not let it go into gI can install.ear and accelerate successfully)

It would kinda get going if I didn't let the clutch all the way out enough to get back home from around the block. I thought first the clutch just need adjustment.
Got home and followed the adjustment to the T and still same problem... :(      What do you guys think it is most likely, the friction discs>? I have a new set of steel plates but not the othersto install. Running 10w-40 autozone brand ,same stuff I run in my K8 no probs.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2013, 06:11:29 PM by 78whiteorbs »

Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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Re: CB750F2 Clutch totally jacked?
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2013, 03:39:15 PM »
These things have a way of 'sorting themselves out' after taken apart and put back together. Magically. I think you've just put it together incorrectly. Did you mix and match parts from different clutches? 77/78 are different than all others but mostly similar. What can really go wrong with steel plates?!! They are just steel plates.
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)

Offline 78whiteorbs

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Re: CB750F2 Clutch totally jacked?
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2013, 04:02:13 PM »
These things have a way of 'sorting themselves out' after taken apart and put back together. Magically. I think you've just put it together incorrectly. Did you mix and match parts from different clutches? 77/78 are different than all others but mostly similar. What can really go wrong with steel plates?!! They are just steel plates.

Haven touched the clutch or had it out , it is as it came to me . Starts and stalls out when I go to take off in first, can ride a little if I like feather the clutch a bit... but it not right.
I was thinking if the plates were stuck then I would not be able to keep it idling in gear with the clutch pulled in it would stall immediately. I recall on several old bikes push starting it and popping the clutch to free the plates but this one has me stumped , I don't think the plates are stuck . I did do the 530 chain conversion with the new sprockets as well. But it rolls fine in neutral no binding or anything like that.

Offline 78whiteorbs

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Re: CB750F2 Clutch totally jacked? SOLVED
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2013, 04:23:36 PM »
Just had a thought it stalling with a load on the engine would be ignition related like if the timing was way off?
Just trying to isolate the problem. How can you tell if its a clutch stall problem versus a engine load stall problem?

 SOLVED- I feel kinda stupid but I guess everyone has there turn.  The problem was I installed rearsets and was thinking to shift one down and 4 up but it is a reverse pattern.
So essentially I was trying to start in 5th gear! Whoa- I thought I was in neutral but it was actually in between gears 4 and 5. I figured it out by managing to get going in 4th I am guessing now and then when I was shifting up the rpms were screaming higher.  Pulled over and thought about it and rolled the bike and shifted it back to true 1st. Now rides great. Might explain why my neutral safety switch wasn't working either but any which way I am glad. Almost pulled a wheelie to accidentally as it was geared up with different toothed sprockets. I did notice the rear braking was a little squirrely . I had to install a master from a 06 R6 as the stock one was unrebuildable and impossible to find one. I remember reading the stock rear brakes were touchy to begin with now I feel if I wasnted to I could totally lock the rear brake.

first thought it was clutch related then possible electrical so anybody reading though all the posts here researching there is nothing worse then finding someone with your exact same problem and then on page three they just stop posting.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2013, 09:37:26 AM by 78whiteorbs »