Author Topic: retore/touch up over winter  (Read 6956 times)

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Offline cb550fnewb

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Re: retore/touch up over winter
« Reply #50 on: January 17, 2014, 04:51:38 PM »
got helicoils today and fixed threads for my exhaust studs. It worked perfectly, just a little price for the little coils.

I just got to wait for Moab's honda shop to get my studs and nuts in to finish it up.  Hoping the new brace rings I bought will seal up again.

Offline cb550fnewb

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Re: retore/touch up over winter
« Reply #51 on: January 18, 2014, 06:52:21 PM »
If you want to "restore" the tank's original paint, you can carefully wet sand it. Start with 1000-1200 paper. Then go to 2000. Then buff with a good quality polish. I've done a dozen or so this way.

I always wipe the tank down with Denatured Alcohol first to remove any contaminants. Then, I use a clay bar to clean the clear coat (only the green metallic areas of your tank are clear coated, the black is not).

Then I go to the paper steps. Be very careful over the black, only use the 2000 stage there, just a very light scuff that the buffing will remove.

This won't remove the deep scratch, but it will soften it, and the rest of your tank will gleam!

Here's a sunrise orange I did for someone recently that was in the same or worse condition as yours.

Any recommendation on what polish to go with. I finally found some 2000 gr sand paper and detailing clay, but not sure best polish to use on paint.  Hopefully, I will get some good results. 
