Here I am again with my engine problems. Six months later and the bike still isn't running great.
I did the carb rebuilt, but it still runs rich.
Who has some experience with tuning these carbs ?
I have a screw on the side that lowers the slide of the throttle and I have a screw on the lower front of my carb.
Someone gave me the following advice:
the one in the front of the bike, he claims, is the fuel mixture screw. To set this mixture screw, what you do is turn the idle screw (the one on the side) so that the idle raises to about 2000rpm. Then you turn the mixture screw, and you will see the RPMs rise and fall a bit. The screw is set right when the RPMs are at their highest. If you notice that things are getting better when you get to the end of how much you can turn the screw, something is wrong and it'll be time for a rebuild of the carb. Most likely this will work fine if everything is clean and now that your float is set right.
When you get the highest RPMs with the mixture screw, lower the idle back to normal, about 1200rpm and you are done.
... right, this didn't work... When I turned the so called 'fuel mixture screw' all the way in, my rpm started going up. That's not right. If it would have been a fuel mixture screw, turning in the screw would limit the amount of gas going to the engine and ultimately stalling the bike.
Another reliable source claimed that this wasn't a fuel mixture screw nor a air mixture screw and that I just had to get the setting right by listening to the engine.
I don't think I have enough experience to tune the carb by listening.
Who has some sound, practical advice on tuning these carbs ( Keihin PD 66AA ) ?