"He said that he was 20 minutes into his ride from the Gold Coast to Logan for work on Monday morning when he stretched his leg on the motorway. “You could see it was a cop car in front of me but I didn’t even think of it,” he said.
“They were in the right hand lane and pulled over, I’ve gone past them and they pulled back in behind me, pulled me over and basically told me they were booking me for taking feet off a footrest.”
He said he tried to explain he was just stretching his leg but was still hit with the fine.
“I’ve never heard of anyone else being done for taking their leg off for a second… I could understand it if I was riding along with my hands off the handlebars and something ridiculous but having stretch is a bit far.”
"Road rules in all Australian states are a minefield, full of pitfalls that can cost drivers money for falling foul of the numerous obscure regulations."
Can any of our down under members provide any more info about this seemingly bizarre incident?