I found a checklist on a thread saying to check voltage across the battery and with it idling and no lights on it sat at around 13V I think.
-idling with turn signals on, they blink very slowly
-low beam on 7.6V
Hi beam on 7.4V
Lights do get brghter if you rev the bike but the turn signals would no come on with headlight on and reving bike(possibly needs a load)
at 2100 rpm the VDC read 8.5 (couldnt go higher as I was doing this in my parent's garage at 8pm and 10* outside lol)
Also, the batter is a crap $40 battery from NAPA and the bike struggles to electric start, usually will after a solid two seconds but would not attempt to click over last night with a full charge. But the battery holds a charge fine
So I want to make sure that its the rect/reg system and not just a crap battery. Dont want to buy a new battery yet since it holds charge and im not sure where I will be going with my build and plan to ride it while building THANKS!