OK, looks like I’m going to have to go against my own “I’m out until I actually start building something” comment to try and put a few facts into the story. It seems people are happy to make a load of assumptions without actually bothering to find out any real information…
fine looking motorcycles should be considered art, but only if they're ridden
I couldn’t agree more. My first bike, the one at the very start of this thread, is my only form of transport save for a shared car with my partner. If I’m going anywhere on my own, I take Isabel. I’ve put over a thousand Ks on her since I ‘finished’ (less than a year ago). To put this in perspective, I work from home, I live about 10km from the centre of town, and it takes roughly 200km to ride from one end of the island I live on, to the other. It’s not a big place, I don’t ride for 700miles at a stretch, and nor do I need to. We also get all kinds of weather, usually in the same day.
There is also nothing on Isabel that isn’t functional. There’s no brass doodads glued on for the sake of it. All the parts are just executed with a different aesthetic. As they will be with this new one. Someone has seen a word and gone “oh, I know what that means’” and haven’t actually bothered to look any further, or at any of the actual information given… like all good bigots…
6 pages of insults seems like more than a joke to me Dave.
It is. I can take a good ribbing as much as the next guy, though generally I feel piss-taking does have to have a modicum of good-nature in it… I’m also pretty sure ‘jokes’ need to be funny.
I like this old K1 chopper. No tacky non-functional add-ons, just a nice neat custom CB750 from back in the day.
Ok, you like a certain style that’s different from this one… I’m so happy for you. Wait! Is that a non-standard frame I see? Chopped? Custom seat? Increased rake? HERESY! BURN THE HERETIC! Good god, the hypocrisy of this post alone astounds me… I can only assume you were trying to make my point for me.
the new style is a fad that will go away
Just like all styles. That’s why they’re styles. Nothing stays ‘in style’ forever. Styles/fads/fashions go in cycles, they do in manufactured bikes just as they do in custom bikes. Some people like some styles, some people don’t. I can only assume by this post alone you’re actually a trained monkey who has been taught to type on a keyboard, but lacks any real understanding of the words he is using… Just type “oook” if you think I’m mistaken and I’ll swap you a mint condition CB750 for a banana.
I notice he has stopped commenting, I hope that isn't because you guys haven't chased him off.
Nope, not chased off at all. Encouraged would actually be more accurate… ‘on holidays’ would also work, alternatively ‘doing what I said I was going to do and not commenting until I had some progress to report’ could also fit the bill. Though the last one is probably less accurate now…
As much as I know I should feel ashamed for deriding Noddy's vision, I certainly won't be apologising any time soon
Well, that covers pretty much all we need to know about you there then doesn’t it? Damn right you should be ashamed. You spout some crap about your years of knowledge but lack the basic manners taught to school children.
I’ve seen many failed projects blah blah never to be seen again.
Clearly, this could be the only possible outcome. “I’ve seen it all before” cries every single old bugger so set in his ways that if we all actually thought like that we’d have never made it down from the trees. You haven’t seen it all Terence, and you sure as #$%* don’t know it all. Your own brain-atrophied little world-view isn’t the only one that matters. Christ, my 3 year old niece has grasped that better than you.
You may have noticed that in one of Noddy's last posts, he refused my offer to supply him with all the OEM parts he needed to actually turn his vision into reality, but offered to sell his bike to me, that tells me that he's probably lost interest and is moving on.
Does it Terry? Is that all it tells you? What it ACTUALLY means, if you even care to know, is that I ACTUALLY umm’ed and ahh’ed over your offer. As I said VERY early on in the thread, I was after something that had already been molested. You obviously thought this one was not beyond saving (from one very small picture on the internet, because clearly you are omniscient), and even through your deplorable manners, I considered it. I just offered it back to you in the same manner you presented your ‘offers’. And in an actual functional way. How was your offer supposed to work anyway? Some #$%*wit from the internet says “I’ll give you all this stuff” for your bike, do I just ship it over to you and hope you send the stuff back? Or do you send the stuff and hope I send the bike back? It was dumb offer from the get go, and you know it.
And I can assure you, I’m in no way ‘moving on’.
he'd tire of once he realised that the end result of his labours doesn't quite match his vision.
Wow Terry, you just keep getting more wrong. You have no idea how much I’m going to enjoy spending the next year or so showing you up for the complete wanker you are, not that you really need my help, you pretty much do it yourself every time you post in this thread. And that’s just an added bonus to the joy I’m going to get from doing EXACTLY what I set out to do.
Yeah, I understand the "It's mine so I can do what I like with it" arguments
You clearly don’t.
I'm with Banker on this- for the first time, I don't really want to be known to be part of this forum.
Y'all are better than that. #$%*ing act like it.
Thank you for the voice of reason and sanity injected here Dusty. I couldn’t have said it better myself. A bigger bunch of childish behaviour I think I’ve yet to see. Anywhere. And that includes when I was in primary school. The next thing you’ll hear from me will be with some kind of update. The kids around here can carry on with whatever makes them happy (kicking sand in others kid's faces and pushing them off swings, I can only assume), I’ve got work to do, skills to learn, and a motorbike to destr… err… build.