"love... is the feeling you get when you like something as much as your motorcycle."=
Hunter Thompson
"Your parents won't let us get married unless I give up my motorcycles? Ok, goodbye"
"it's not enough, " she said, "you have to get rid of more of them there motorcycles, at least clean up the yard so
it doesn't look so messy."
"ok" I said and called a guy with a large excavator to build me a 2 meter wall and flatten out a 28 x 5 meter space
by removing rocks, trees and dirt.
Never showed her the bill and many moons later she hasn't complained as much as you can't see them from the
house nor the road.

I once sold the rights to be King of Vermont for a week on ebay
and a rusty washer, both for real money.
But one of them was a Kiwi buyer, so......
I almost did it 3 times. Finally id it once successfully...............
and 34 years later the 1st wife is still lucky to have me.
What more can I say?
If you steal my bike
you better
Ride it like you stole it
because the sound you hear in the background is me shooting at your rear tire,
and I never miss a treat.
I meant , no one misses a thief.
"Hey," he says, "I really like that bike and will offer you $300 cash....."
"yep," as I interrupt him, " I'm asking $3,ooo for it, just like the sign says. SO I have a question for you."
"what's that ? " he says taken aback by my rudeness.
"Do you remember how you got here?" I ask.
"Yeah , of course."
"Well then, I suggest you reverse that action and never come back."
If life is a bed of roses, why do I always get pricked?
If at first you don't succeed in starting that motorcycle and the battery goes dead.
You should have bought one with a kickstarter.
I've onl;y owned 3 motorcycles without kickstarters and received reprimands from law enforcement personnel
for exceeding the speed limits by 30mph, 74mph, and raced a Corvette at speeds in excess of 155mph on the highway
(no law enforcement people involved),
I concluded something was wrong with these motorcycles
sold them
and never had another one .