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Offline calj737

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Re: gun massacre
« Reply #325 on: June 07, 2014, 09:15:13 am »
Your ranks are dwindling and if the the gun lobby refuses to compromise the people will eventually pull the rug out from under them.

Sorry, Jeff. From what you wrote, I reasonably inferred that those opposed to the "gun rights" platform would indeed, remove those rights. I associate the "rug being pulled from under" as a euphemism to undoing my stability. If you had a different meaning intended, then by all means, I stand corrected.

You say gun "restrictions". Well, there are already lots of those, and they don't seem to be having any benefit to resolving the problem. Perhaps the laws are targeting the wrong culprit?

Bill - I'll let you in on a little secret, there are many people that live in the southern US states that have widely different opinions, political ideals, and religious practices too. Not everyone fits neatly into the presumption of the oft televised redneck. As for me, I've traveled the globe for over 25 years in business and pleasure. I'm quite fascinated by it actually. And I hope, that is in large part of my willingness to have convictions that are globally consistent with their priorities.

As for my offer of Southern Hospitality, that can also include sweetened sun tea, really good BBQ, or even the occasional pig roast. And we do have beer here too. They drop it off every other Wednesday with the mail  :D
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Offline demon78

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Re: gun massacre
« Reply #326 on: June 07, 2014, 10:05:44 am »
I'm for diversity of opinions and I used to work in California for what is now called rednecks I called them ridge runners, they discovered where I was born and raised so they called me a side hill gouger, beer with the mail, same for me except I found an exceptional winery on the "bench" and my shipment comes in every 3 months. More lies the way of madness.
I would offer northern hospitality but unfortunately the house is not finished and you'd have to rough it, only one Bedroom others on the go, only one bathroom yet, as far as bedroom goes unless you are a good looking lady of a certain bent I won't share so that's for the future.
Bill the demon.

Offline calj737

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Re: gun massacre
« Reply #327 on: June 07, 2014, 12:25:55 pm »
A reasonable man has to have standards, Bill. Sounds as though yours don't include me sleeping over? Can't say as I blame you or even take offense!

Perhaps I'll have the good fortune to travel up your way and we can share a ride and tell some lies someday soon-

Be well,
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"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of it's victim may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated, but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience." - C.S. Lewis

Offline Terry in Australia

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Re: gun massacre
« Reply #328 on: June 07, 2014, 06:28:30 pm »
As for the psychological evaluations that soldiers and special forces undergo, that is far more oriented to whether under extreme stress, can they still perform and adhere to orders. Yes, there's an element of weeding the homicidal maniacs out, but moreover, it's performance under stress and the capacity to endure that is sought.

Purchasing a firearm does not infer that you will be under stress ever. So a psych test to ferret out a potential loon, well, noble idea, but who defines the criteria and administers the exam? Would I as a staunch believer in the Constitution be considered unworthy because I'd be willing to use the firearm in a dire situation? That I have no latent desire to be "Harry Callahan" discredit me? If there could be reasonable and uniformly acceptable criteria, I'd submit.

But damn, we can't even agree whether homosexuals should be allowed to marry or whether showing a state issued ID card to vote is Constitutional? And you expect us to solve our problems with guns? Someone ring the wake up bell please!

G'Day Cal, my mother was a psychologist before she retired, so I asked her what tests could be conducted to weed out potential mass murderers, and she replied that there are simple tests that can be conducted which will indicate undesirable personality traits, no matter how hard the person being tested may try to hide them.

Interestingly enough, I did a little research after reading your post and discovered that psyche testing is already used to restrict gun ownership in the US. Obviously this is only used in specific situations, but considering that the tests are already there, if they can reduce the instance of these atrocities, why not make them mandatory for all current and future gun owners? Here's a link to some useful information:

I've raised the psyche testing thing in other gun forums and it seems that pro-gun guys get a little antsy when I raise it, maybe they're concerned that if they were required to undergo these tests, they themselves might fail, and have their guns taken off them. While I can understand their disappointment if this was to happen, obviously the needs of the community should outweigh the needs of the individual.

The logistics of potentially testing 100 million or so current and new gun owners in the US would be a huge task, but the US has more psychologists and psychiatrists per head of population than any other country in the world, (imagine that?) so I'd think it'd be do-able, and as the cost should be borne by the individual and not the government as part of their initial or ongoing licensing fees, the American taxpayer wouldn't be burdened with any additional taxes to keep them safer and ensure that guns were only available to those responsible members of the community.

I'm not keen on gay marriage either, if I have to suffer with a member of the opposite sex for the rest of my life, then so should everyone else. I don't know whether you need a national ID card though, you've all got a social security number with your details on file somewhere, and if mandatory psyche testing was implemented, they could just append your psyche evaluation results to your social security file. Cheers, Terry. ;D         
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So I said, "Hey mate, you haven't got any bike boots you don't need, do you?"

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Offline calj737

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Re: gun massacre
« Reply #329 on: June 08, 2014, 05:11:41 am »
Terry - I'll have a read through that link, thanks!

The voter ID thing is easily solved by using a state issued Drivers License or Military ID, or even a "Pedestrian ID" (issued by the state as a formal ID for someone who does not drive). It's odd, those who oppose it argue it's undue burden on the voter. Yet, IDs are required to board a plane, withdraw money at the bank, enter certain buildings (Federal), operate a car or motorcycle. Yet, to vote it shouldn't be required?

Now, I don't expect that any election outcome would have differed, but with the tremendous influx of illegal immigrants into this country, it just might in the future.

As for same sex marriage: personally, I don't care. It's not per my upbringing, but if that's what 2 people want, them I am okay with it. Where I personally believe the problem lies for many elected officials who oppose it, is the tremendous financial impact at the Federal level.

If I were to marry finally as a 55 year old man to another similar aged man, our combined tax basis and deductions change. And, if I were to die, he would have all legal standing to draw my SocSec benefits. This is a financially huge problem. But understand, I am not opposed to forcing this problem to be resolved by preventing same sex marriage. A simple solution for this, and many, many others is to eliminate the IRS and move to VAT plus State tax. It allows. Greater income and freedoms to the individual and States to provide for their residents.

Returning to the thread topic: isn't it odd that we have so many Psychs and the worst mental health system going? Kind of defeats the benefits of testing to then render these folks to treatment by these DRs... Or, they're good DRs and either our laws or system prevent them from being effective?

Case in point: the clown who shot up Seattle the other day. Documented and previously incarcerated nut job. Then why was he left to roam the streets? Why was he not flagged and forced to receive treatment? That's a major problem here. We protect "likely" criminals because we can't prosecute them for what they might do.

As for being afraid to be tested based upon possible restrictions, I gotta believe that's very true. Lots of folks know that they would speak candidly about what they might do if and then suffer the consequences. Look at how outrageously we are treating our school kids suddenly. There are countless occurrences of kids going to school and being suspended or expelled, for having a toy, making a toy, eating a cracker into the shape of a "gun" or even using their finger to point-shoot at another child. Some of these kids are under 9 years old!

And you don't think gun owners see this a major threat to their rights? When ZERO tolerance is implemented, reasonable judgement is vacated. End of podium pounding.

But I still remain open-minded about finding a solution to re-calibrate our kids immediately. I have to suspect there is some influence on them with these reported shootings in these public places, that encourages them to choose them, and to consider these actions. We must fix this.

I will say this, with a few very limited exceptions, the streets and neighborhoods and cities in this country are very safe. The truly "dangerous" areas are within cities where drug and gang activity is highest. But there are random events all over the country that occur daily. That does not make this an unsafe country, just troubled. But we are huge population, widely diverse, and very agitated socially for the past 15 years. W need to, as adults, calm the fcuk down, stop ranting at our neighbor, and begin setting better examples for our young. We've gone overboard trying to "protect" our children from all the sharp corners the world has to offer, that they can't cope with a bit of name calling, pushing or shoving, or even losing a high school football game. What a catastrophe!

We NEED better perspective. And we NEED to enforce the laws on our books. Then decide if they need changing or amending.
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Offline demon78

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Re: gun massacre
« Reply #330 on: June 08, 2014, 06:37:01 am »
Cal at 74-75 my days of roughing it are over hence my bed is mine, there are days when even I wake up with a numbness on the side that was down. Subjecting a quest to the diminished facilities here would bother the hell out of me. Realistically if I finish it before I shuffle my life will be complete, I work on it but it seems to take more time each year to accomplish a small task and with no wife to look after the gardens I'm not coping very well, at the moment even the aforementioned woman with a yen might overrun my abilities. What I'm saying is that the "Retreat of the Toisich" is unable to host for the moment. When it is I will extend welcome and hospitality.

Bill the demon.

Offline vfourfreak

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Re: gun massacre
« Reply #331 on: June 08, 2014, 10:23:13 am »
I've read this thread with interest, but wondered if I had much to contribute. I tend to see all sides and so thus far have refrained from contributing. On reflection, I would like to offer the following, but completely in the context of IMHO, and that is that Gun posession is not directly linked to gun crime.
I offer as an example my neighbours the Swiss. In Switzerland they have one of the highest gun posession (as opposed to ownership) rates in the world estimated at 1.2  to 3 million for a population of just under 8 million people.
Despite that, in 2010 there were only 40 homicides involving firearms.
I think, and of course am open to discussion / argument, that much has to do with the sense of fairness in society. I believe that there will alway be individuals who live in  societies where they perceive themselves to be slighted or disadvantaged  will take extreme measures to make their point, at the expense of others.
Perhaps Switzerland has a notion of democracy such that most citizens feel included and not disillusioned ?


Offline demon78

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Re: gun massacre
« Reply #332 on: June 08, 2014, 10:40:31 am »
If I may add there is not the cachet of a gun there that there is in the states, because the guns in the Swiss household are there for a purpose, to repel an invader also the people with guns have been trained as soldiers and having an  little idea about the Swiss they would check fairly extensively for crazies.
How about our French brothers Kev are they gun crazy?
Bill the demon.

Offline vfourfreak

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Re: gun massacre
« Reply #333 on: June 08, 2014, 10:54:53 am »
Not a lot Bill, in my experience. You can buy a hunting firearm easily enough if you are registered with "La chasse" i.e. with a hunting club. Most everything else is difficult to procure. That said, there are many areas of disadvantaged minorities in French cities that can regularly spark almost open revolt with the forces of law and order sometimes involving firearms (and often with abuses on BOTH sides), plus there is a healthy drugs trafficking route up from the ports of the south of France that can involve intervention by Les Douanes (Customs people) that can often end in a bit of a firefight. Otherwise, not much gun crime here.
Road rage and petty crime, yes !


Offline calj737

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Re: gun massacre
« Reply #334 on: June 08, 2014, 11:20:54 am »
I'd submit there is not much of a "cachet" as you put it, Bill, to gun ownership here. If anything, with extreme anti-gun sentiments rampant, ownership has become more of a pariah than a statement of pride.

Certainly there are factions of gun owners who are very vocal about their rights and display their protests very publicly in an ostentatious fashion.  Not very smart really. Better to not advertise you have a gun and need it, than to boast you have it and have someone take it from you. Element of surprise in a defense situation being the huge advantage.
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"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of it's victim may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated, but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience." - C.S. Lewis

Offline demon78

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Re: gun massacre
« Reply #335 on: June 08, 2014, 11:49:35 am »
You know the Swiss may have something, may be look at the gun owners and say fine you want a gun we agree, but as the price of ownership, you have to do compulsory service, take training and be the first that's called up, you'll be keeping America strong and showing your good citizenship and of course you will be screened with standard tests.
Bill the demon.

Offline Retro Rocket

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Re: gun massacre
« Reply #336 on: June 08, 2014, 02:47:37 pm »
I'd submit there is not much of a "cachet" as you put it, Bill, to gun ownership here. If anything, with extreme anti-gun sentiments rampant, ownership has become more of a pariah than a statement of pride.

I'd say the exact opposite Cal, "with extreme gun sentiment far outweighing any anti gun sentiment"  Anti gun sentiment is NOT extreme at all, its usually rears its head after someone is senselessly killed and usually by a family member, how that could ever be referred to as extreme is laughable, its common sense in most otyher parts of the world, all gets back to "mentality", thats whats got to change, it ain't the wild west any more....
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Offline calj737

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Re: gun massacre
« Reply #338 on: June 08, 2014, 03:24:05 pm »
I'd submit there is not much of a "cachet" as you put it, Bill, to gun ownership here. If anything, with extreme anti-gun sentiments rampant, ownership has become more of a pariah than a statement of pride.

I'd say the exact opposite Cal, "with extreme gun sentiment far outweighing any anti gun sentiment"  Anti gun sentiment is NOT extreme at all, its usually rears its head after someone is senselessly killed and usually by a family member, how that could ever be referred to as extreme is laughable, its common sense in most otyher parts of the world, all gets back to "mentality", thats whats got to change, it ain't the wild west any more....

Retro - perhaps I should have articulated my point better. The "anti-gun" sentiment to which I was referring was the "all guns at all costs" mentality. As I indicated earlier in this thread, a shotgun is a far more dangerous weapon, and yet, the politicos are focused on an AR-15 or other "assault" style weapons. It's a non-sequitur in their logic.

I have no objection to reasonable laws, even new ones, that demonstrate a tangible connection to public safety. But there have been none, and as I pointed out, we have heaps of laws on the books already that aren't even enforced.

We do have a mentality problem. But is not that there are those among us who believe for a second that we live still in the Wild West. That is perhaps a media-driven misperception by internationals.

Thanks for keeping me on point and focused with a more clear explanation of my opinion.

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Offline ekpent

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Re: gun massacre
« Reply #339 on: June 08, 2014, 03:31:26 pm »
  Most of all the daily shootings in my area, and Kazoo has seen quite a few if you want a link, and sure many other places, are done by gang members of minority persuasions with guns that have been stolen and are apparently looking up to their gansta "role" models.  That combined with the Columbine copycat suicidal sicko maniacs that thrive on violent computer games and want immortality on the internet while basking under the privileged upbringing of their parents in denial makes for a very caustic mix in all the data that is presented. 
   A guy like me who may have some legal weapons, who grew up hunting and shooting with his father and was trained correctly is not a threat to society. We are an asset.
  Here is a picture from the 70's of my role model Father and I after a hunt for Ruffed Grouse and not Humans with our Shorthair which I still have one. Its all about having good role models that can help a society, not the crap on TV or in all the meadia bullsh#t.   ;)
« Last Edit: June 08, 2014, 03:51:30 pm by ekpent »

Offline Retro Rocket

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Re: gun massacre
« Reply #340 on: June 08, 2014, 03:44:56 pm »
I'd submit there is not much of a "cachet" as you put it, Bill, to gun ownership here. If anything, with extreme anti-gun sentiments rampant, ownership has become more of a pariah than a statement of pride.

I'd say the exact opposite Cal, "with extreme gun sentiment far outweighing any anti gun sentiment"  Anti gun sentiment is NOT extreme at all, its usually rears its head after someone is senselessly killed and usually by a family member, how that could ever be referred to as extreme is laughable, its common sense in most otyher parts of the world, all gets back to "mentality", thats whats got to change, it ain't the wild west any more....

Retro - perhaps I should have articulated my point better. The "anti-gun" sentiment to which I was referring was the "all guns at all costs" mentality. As I indicated earlier in this thread, a shotgun is a far more dangerous weapon, and yet, the politicos are focused on an AR-15 or other "assault" style weapons. It's a non-sequitur in their logic.

I have no objection to reasonable laws, even new ones, that demonstrate a tangible connection to public safety. But there have been none, and as I pointed out, we have heaps of laws on the books already that aren't even enforced.

We do have a mentality problem. But is not that there are those among us who believe for a second that we live still in the Wild West. That is perhaps a media-driven misperception by internationals.

Thanks for keeping me on point and focused with a more clear explanation of my opinion.


Agreed, all except the shotty, {Aussie slang for shotgun}, I know you stated they are dangerous at 100 yards but thats only in experienced hands and less likely than a rifle to be accurate at those distances, Both my brothers in law were Australasian Trap and skeet champions and avid hunters, the rifle is far more dangerous to the extent that its a far easier weapon to be accurate with and with a simple conversion, easily found on the internet it can be made to Rapid fire, one of our less esteemed members actually has a video on you tube showing a converted AR-15 being used.  Don't get me wrong, i like shot guns but if my life depended on it i would rather have both a shot gun and a high powered rifle, horses for courses.... ;)

Thanks for holding this thread together

PS, 2 more cops shot and killed in Vegas today
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Offline calj737

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Re: gun massacre
« Reply #341 on: June 08, 2014, 04:52:02 pm »
Yes, I saw that headline about Las Vegas. A couple paired together shot 2 cops, took their weapons and then to an adjacent store to continue their spree. The only upside to this fiasco, plus most others recently, is that the assailants are taking their own lives.

Regarding the shotgun, I agree a rifle can be a far more accurate weapon, and at greater distances. But since (Thank God!) no knuckleheads have decided to employ one in their shooting spree as a long distance sniper, we can focus on the weapons being used, and those that are likely to be used. Hence, my focus on a shotgun. There have been 2 recent episodes and I greatly fear these wackos will migrate to it as a new choice. The result will be catastrophic-

Earlier I tried to make the point about the lack of "focus" on the weapons that are the most common in gun violence. I was a bit clumsy with that, so I am trying to clarify by saying, the vast majority of gun violence in the US conducted in domestic, street, drug/gang, incidents is perpetrated by 9mm semi-auto handguns. Simple as that. But outside of limiting magazine capacities to fewer than 14, then 10, and now as low as 7 rounds, there seems to be no effort to deal with that component specifically. All the recent media blitz is on the AR-

Sure, I can modify almost any semi-auto to full auto. But this isn't happening as a course of use in the public sprees, so I'll dismiss it as not "contributing". We have very strict laws regarding full auto, so I think that's all good.

I'd love to see some idea such as Terry proposed where some component of psych testing is considered. I think there needs to be very heavy criminal and civil penalties to the adults and owners of the firearms used in these sprees. That may help curb some access. But I'd really like to see some serious penalties be brought on parents, wreckless individuals, and ne'er do wells who sit idly by while their kids run amok. Even when they're past 21 years of age!

And let's start removing the crazy content in video games! What the fcuk are people thinking!!!! Really, a game like Grand Theft Auto is not detrimental to social conduct? Sure, it's not an "only" cause, but I'll be damn it #$%*e like that isn't a major contributor...

Okay, breathing deeply now- apologies for the rants.

I genuinely wish all a very safe and healthy weekend/week! I'll try to behave better, promise.  :)
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Re: gun massacre
« Reply #342 on: June 08, 2014, 05:19:33 pm »
No matter how many laws are passed, evil will find a way.  A sad commentary of our present world.

Offline calj737

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Re: gun massacre
« Reply #343 on: June 08, 2014, 05:24:35 pm »
No matter how many laws are passed, evil will find a way.  A sad commentary of our present world.

I've held this opinion too, but I have begun to consider the point of these threads and the persistent use of mentally disturbed folks using guns in high traffic public places. Yes, limiting guns won't stop evil, it may only alter what weapons these folks do use. But part of their decision certainly might be their immediate access to guns? Does it affect their choice?

The plucky folks in Oz reacted swiftly and decisively to strictly regulate sidearms after a mass public shooting, and their results have been unimaginable to me. I just wonder why and how they could achieve such success and yet our society can not deal with this problem in any meaningful way?
'74 550 Build
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"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of it's victim may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated, but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience." - C.S. Lewis

Offline Retro Rocket

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Re: gun massacre
« Reply #344 on: June 08, 2014, 05:26:14 pm »
No matter how many laws are passed, evil will find a way.  A sad commentary of our present world.

I've held this opinion too, but I have begun to consider the point of these threads and the persistent use of mentally disturbed folks using guns in high traffic public places. Yes, limiting guns won't stop evil, it may only alter what weapons these folks do use. But part of their decision certainly might be their immediate access to guns? Does it affect their choice?

The plucky folks in Oz reacted swiftly and decisively to strictly regulate sidearms after a mass public shooting, and their results have been unimaginable to me. I just wonder why and how they could achieve such success and yet our society can not deal with this problem in any meaningful way?

Wild West mate.... ;D ;)
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Offline Terry in Australia

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Re: gun massacre
« Reply #345 on: June 08, 2014, 05:39:17 pm »

Regarding the shotgun, I agree a rifle can be a far more accurate weapon, and at greater distances. But since (Thank God!) no knuckleheads have decided to employ one in their shooting spree as a long distance sniper, we can focus on the weapons being used, and those that are likely to be used. Hence, my focus on a shotgun. There have been 2 recent episodes and I greatly fear these wackos will migrate to it as a new choice. The result will be catastrophic-

G'Day Cal, not trying to trip you up mate, but there have been several cases of rifles used for "Sniper Style" mass shootings in the US that I can think of, Charles Whitman, Brenda Spencer (I don't like Mondays) John Allan Muhamad and Lee Boyd Malvo, etc etc.

While I was googling the subject, I discovered that there's a new game available called "Sniper Massacre". I don't think it'll be long before some pissed off gamer in the US decides that the electronic version isn't as exciting as the real thing............. Cheers, Terry. ;D
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"Crazy is a very misunderstood term, it's a fine line that some of us can lean over and still keep our balance" (thanks RB550Four)

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Re: gun massacre
« Reply #346 on: June 08, 2014, 05:56:52 pm »

Regarding the shotgun, I agree a rifle can be a far more accurate weapon, and at greater distances. But since (Thank God!) no knuckleheads have decided to employ one in their shooting spree as a long distance sniper, we can focus on the weapons being used, and those that are likely to be used. Hence, my focus on a shotgun. There have been 2 recent episodes and I greatly fear these wackos will migrate to it as a new choice. The result will be catastrophic-

G'Day Cal, not trying to trip you up mate, but there have been several cases of rifles used for "Sniper Style" mass shootings in the US that I can think of, Charles Whitman, Brenda Spencer (I don't like Mondays) John Allan Muhamad and Lee Boyd Malvo, etc etc.

While I was googling the subject, I discovered that there's a new game available called "Sniper Massacre". I don't think it'll be long before some pissed off gamer in the US decides that the electronic version isn't as exciting as the real thing............. Cheers, Terry. ;D
It also bothers me that several Hollywood types who have come out for severe gun control make millions starring in ultra violent movies.  And other celebrities hold the same view have armed security with them.  Are they somehow more important than the average citizen ?

Offline ekpent

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Re: gun massacre
« Reply #347 on: June 08, 2014, 06:01:34 pm »
Yeee Haww - Let's put out some more video games for all those sick little puppies that are living in their Mother's basements so they can hone their sicko mental skills and give them the courage to try the real thing so a cop can kill them is what they are really hoping for anyways. It really is part of the problem in the 'new' electronic age. Liberal or Conservative it is a problem that I am sorry probably will not be cured by legislation of gun rights for the good people.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2014, 06:04:27 pm by ekpent »

Offline calj737

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Re: gun massacre
« Reply #348 on: June 08, 2014, 06:13:02 pm »
Terry - you're not tripping me up. Brenda Spencer used a .22 rifle in 1979, Charles Whitman committed his crime in 1966, and Muhammed and Malvo used an AR in 2002. Not exactly recent history nor emblematic of a long range rifle sniper. I keep track of many of these oddly, though I did have to confirm Whitman's year recently.

In fact, I lived in DC very close to where Muhammed and Malvo were conducting their spree. One of their victims was in fact a neighbor of mine, living only 4 row houses down the other side of street. She was gunned down in MD while commuting if memory serves me correctly. That whole nightmare had too many coincidences for me. I was very nervous roaming about DC many nights and evenings, always looking over my shoulder when a car slowed down. (They didn't truly know their MO at the time and there was much conflicting information about).

None of this is to contest that is does happen, it's just not as popular presently. Handguns, that's a whole different story...
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Offline demon78

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Re: gun massacre
« Reply #349 on: June 08, 2014, 06:34:06 pm »
Yes I do wonder about Hollywood and video games glorifying ultra violence and I know when I got Doom a many generations older game, after getting to the point of winning it a lot that I was hyper twitchy and not my usual sweet personality, actually my wife pointed out that I was not my mellow self any more so I said no more and in a couple of months reverted back to proper form, point being if a grown man, father and all can be changed into something that is aggressive, snarly, twitchy by a stupid video game, what about the rest of the world that doesn't have my advantages. I think there has to be a many pronged approach to the problem.
Bill the demon.