I beleive it comes down to the individual. What is the intent of having a bike in the first place? Do you like to ride-or pose? Or both? Personally, I love to ride, and I enjoy showing off what I've fixed or changed on my bike with other enthusiasts. Does a bike make me who I am? No! For some guys, it does. I like being an old fart (funny-I don't FEEL old!) who rides a Honda! If I could afford a Sportster, I'd buy one. Not that I don't like my CB650 either. I have an appreciation for ALL bikes. I love the fact that I know how to wrench on old Harleys. With no tatoos, short hair, I'd get some funny looks- "What's THIS guy doing on that Panhead?" Because I refused to wear the black t-shirts or get a tatoo-nothing against tatoos, I just don't want one. It's the same thing with classic cars. There's some guys who just write the check-and some who build their own. Just because someone isn't mechanical does this mean they love bikes or cars any less? Again, it's the intent in my opinion. I love the ability to discuss all this crap! You guys are great!