Which would you pay more for ?
1. A restored 1976 CB750K in candy Antares Red - 100% faithful to stock - big winkers, fat stripe and all.
2. The exact same 1976 CB750K dressed up as a K0 in Ruby Red with restored K0 gauges, K0 airbox and side covers, K0 blinkers & fork ears.
the dilema:
I have a 76 that I've been working on the last few months. It has a freshly painted frame, motor, good chrome etc, new harness etc., etc. I am going to paint the tank and side covers for it within the next month and was thinking of making it into a K0 clone in Ruby Red.
Ultimately, it will be sold to fund my version of a CR750. I have some K0 side covers, fork ears & airbox, handlebar switches, repop seat and a single cut fender that I've gathered over the years that would be used to complete the transformation.
Common sense tells me that I should keep it stock. But....I follow ebay and the DFW market for CBs pretty close. To me it seems the 76 CB750 kinda sells lower than an identically restored 75, 74, 73 etc. I can't really remember seeing a "clone" selling recently.
To me, the Ruby Red K0 is the best looking, quintesential CB750, hence the reason that I'm contemplating changing things.
In my area, I'd expect to sell the cycle between $5500-$6000 fairly easily. *Note - for now, it has a very solid set of original 341s - they would be replaced with new if DSS ever gets the repops in again. That would add to the value a bit.
Am I silly to consider this ? I'll be painting within the month and I only have 1 good tank that I can use.