For 190$ I will just have to sigh longingly at the picture. Not gonna happen, especially considering it isn't some radical or great technological improvement. I don't mind a stiff handle, that whole "look at me do stoppies with 2 fingers thing" isn't appealing but you really gotta crank on the handle for a quicker stop.
I have EBC rear shoes, they bite nice but I'm not big on cranking on the rear brake. I am comfortable really laying hard on the brakes, I practice it on roads when nobody is around just in case but the front is the real important one.
Yeah. And you are right, it does seem to take a bit more force to really bite them up, or maybe not really remembering the original brakes from last fall. I guess you can call it a gradient. The travel is less because it firms up so fast. The first bit of braking is really consistent on the light braking, but as it firms up, it ramps up braking power. Not going to be doing stoppies with two fingers on it..
The big difference I do remember is while it is firmer and less handle travel, it is a smoother transition. I remember last fall when riding, the brakes were okay, then BITE! I am suspecting probably was the brakes start grabbing, then the pressure swelled the lines a bit before more pressure added. Creating almost a dead pressure area? If that makes sense?
The rear brakes are actually really getting to me. Start of May, I took a rider training upgrade class. I am a 100% self taught motorcyclist, so decided that since I am an advocate in our province for responsible motorcycling, I better take the course that I got insurer to recognize for many perks. Part of that was advanced braking techniques, so I am frequently modulating with front and rear and combination of both now. Especially low speed maneuvering, I don't touch the front brakes. Might also be some adjustment needed a little bit more to pedal position, but it isn't responsive enough for my taste.