UPDATING FROM HOME. Please forgive me for not updating, I was reminded two nights ago but forgot.
Most of the bones are healed but it seems the memory is still a little suspect and needs some help.
Although I have posted a few times, it seems I can only react to things in the present and things I posted on a few days ago get forgotten. I might appear to be online quite a lot but I just forget to shut the computer down.
Yesterday, a new member from England posted using his own name, I knew the name well but wondered if I knew him personally so I asked him. This morning he replied and I found he was a guy who I had raced with just a few years ago but couldn't remember.
So lots of work is still needed in the brain department. I start Neurological rehab next Thursday at a local hospital and I hope to find some answers there. How long will I be like this, will I ever get back to being normal ?(was I ever normal)
I guess only time will tell.
I must have read through all of this thread while I was at Bill's but after reading all the way through it again, I must admit, most of it is new to me and I have to thank all of you for your posts and well wishes, you all are AWESOME people and I'm very glad to be able to call you my friends.
Do I still hate black rims?