Yeah, it's funny - I've been so lucky. There was a time when I was hit and miss with wearing gear - Always wear it now.
I've had a couple bad and a couple not so bad accidents, but was lucky enough to have been wearing proper gear each time.
One was a low speed crash - going maybe 15 mph - when my front wheel caught in a rut and the bike threw me head first into a boulder. If I hadn't been wearing a helmet I would have probably been dead, or at least severely injured.
The other time, I was on a long road trip and hit a deer. There was a girl on the back of the bike, and I had told her before we left that she needed to ditch the chaps and wear proper leathers. "Anything that's not covered by leather will turn into hamburger if we get into an accident."
Welp, hit a deer going 80 mph - dragged it for almost a mile before losing control (that's a whole 'nother tale) but long story short - although I suffered some broken bones, all in all I was fine. She came out okay too - except for the two huge patches of road rash right across her ass cheeks