NOTHING beats time in the saddle, I don't care if Casey Stoner is your instructor, he's not the one riding the bike... 
Absolutely spot on mate.
We instruct in basic motorcycle skills and control, it's impossible to replicate every real road situation, but what we do is give sound advice, dos and don'ts, examples, dvd's, real life experiences, time on a bike etc etc...the rest is up to the rider, and it's only real time on the bike that will hone those skills as well as exposure to the cockheads and riding conditions.
Been riding for 43 years, as you probably have too, and every time I get on the bike I know I'm going to face potential danger, but I hope that my skills and experience, as well as a good dose of luck, will get me home with a big grin on my face. But I know it's up to me to make that happen, and not rely on other drivers/riders saving my butt.
All this chest beating about 'never had a near miss' 'never had an accident' is just emu head in the sand will happen. Old mate fenders is just kidding himself (and giving it a fair old tug too).