It seem like we've reached a dead end. hiss! sizzle.. pfffffft...
I went back through the thread to see if I'd exhausted all options.
- valve springs and retainers: all are stiff, in place, and uniform
- ignition timing plate: secure
- exhaust leak near head stud: could not see anything amiss
- cam tensioner not visible: i poked a screwdriver up there where i expect the tensioner to be and i can feel a bar there. how can i check to see if the tensioner is present/intact?
Did I miss anything? Is my only option now to button her back up and try to find a shop that will take her?
You all have been great - thanks for the remote assistance! I"ve gained confidence just by exploring this, which is cool.
PS: I have a "spare engine" that came with the bike, disassembled. I guess it wouldn't be wise for a noob like me to attempt a swap, not even knowing what the problem is with the current engine....
This bike is not that pretty and has stressed me with problems during our short relationship but I don't want to give up so easily - I WANT TO GET BACK ON THE ROAD!