Many years ago, I was driving my siblings and mother to my grandma's burial, and we got a flat tire in the middle of a 3 km-long tunner. No way to get out as it came flat suddenly. "No big deal" I thought, just stop here and change the wheel. The one with the puncture was in the same side of the passing traffic and I must say it was scary stuff. In five minutes we where good to go, when a Land Rover from the highway maintenance patrol stopped by and said if we needed help. We said "no thanks, we are done" and he said about using the emergency phones next time. "What for?" I asked, I can change a wheel. "At least we can come here and signal the coming traffic to slow down". Fair enough I thought, but how many chances there are to get a flat tire again in a given 3 km piece of road?
We arrived to the burial on time.